Totally Guitars Weekly Update May 26, 2023

May 26, 2023
Today’s musical forays included a standard from more than 100 years ago, along with bits of other standards that crossed my path about 50 years ago, a John Renbourn tune that I hope to get to a lesson on someday (Snap A Little Owl), and a Moody Blues classic that ties into a lesson coming next week.
The big news around here though is another really cool tool that everyone at TG could get some great use out of – the Vidami Video Looper Pedal. Check out the info on their site –, and use this discount code to get 10% off – TotallyGuitars10
This week’s new lesson was Interstate Love Song by The Stone Temple Pilots and we launched a 5-Pack of their songs as well.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend To All,