Totally Guitars Weekly Update March 11, 2022

March 11, 2022
I had a lesson the other day with a student who wanted to work on George Harrison’s early song I Need You, for The Beatles’ 1965 album and movie Help! I felt pretty sure we had a lesson on it here at TG, but no, it had never made the cut before. I hope to remedy that soon and started today’s Update with an improvised run through it. I should get to a full lesson on it soon.
The big news, for me at least, was finding the time to finish up White Bird. It turned out to be 13 segments and 9 pages of music. I hope somebody enjoys working on at least some parts of it. I don’t think I put a full run through in the lesson, other than the rough draft from a few years ago, so I played one at the end of this video.
Wrapping that up finally opens the door to get to work on more lessons, and particularly the next instrumental. I played a couple bits of things in the running, and I am heavily leaning toward I Am The Light Of This World, which I know will appeal to a bunch of our Community.
I also took a little time to talk about harmonics, particularly using them to tune strings that are a fourth or fifth apart. This is useful for getting into Dropped D. That led to some other suggestions of tunes in either that or Double Dropped D, and some random improvising, which somehow turned into a couple tunes you should recognize. Answers next week.
See you then,