Totally Guitars Weekly Update March 1, 2024

March 1, 2024
A little Miles Davis flavored improv a la Kind Of Blue slipped out of my fingers at the start of today’s Update. The particular vamp was one of the first things I played with John Renbourn the night we first met back in 1998. It was on my mind as I was thinking about tomorrow’s TG Live where I will be going further into our recent discussions on Intervals. This time further exploration of thirds and sixths, and songs you have heard them in. Be sure to register with the link below if you want to join us.
Everyone who registers will have access to a recording of the Live Event even if unable to join us live. Details will be on the Forum afterward. The segment will also be added to our Guitar Geography Pack.
Registration Link
We are also starting up our second 3-Minute 30-Day Challenge tomorrow, and hoping everybody will keep a daily log and report in. Once again, we will have weekly drawings and give out some fun prizes.
We are also less than 8 weeks out from our first International Guitar Camp Spring event. We have room for about 5 more people and will cap it at 20 for maximum one-on-one time with the instructors. We will be focusing on students playing together and working out second and third guitar parts. I demonstrated a bit of this with the progression to Nights In White Satin.
I also played some bits of Tickle Me and Bermuda Triangle Exit toward the end of the video and mentioned our latest lesson – Roll With The Changes by REO Speedwagon.
I hope everybody enjoys the 3-Minute Challenge and can join us for TG Live on March 2.