Totally Guitars Weekly Update June 17, 2022

June 17, 2022
Big weekend ahead, for a few reasons I mention in the Update: Family birthdays, famous musician’s birthdays, Father’s Day (although health issues at TG Central will keep that pretty quiet, and semi-quarantined), and a kind of cool personal project to be announced in an email tomorrow.
A little music to start off included more ‘new’ tunes of mine that are almost 20 years old. Recently I played parts of ‘Idylwild’ and ‘One Step Beyond’, and today’s tune was ‘Jetstream’, which features a constant bass line and short, melodic episodes.
Last week we welcomed Nesh back into the fold with a lesson on Forever by Sheryl Crow. Next week we expect to see another Amy MacDonald lesson to go along with ‘This Is The Life’, which was the first lesson we had on a song by the talented Irish singer-songwriter.
Today’s tip went into a standard way of fingering a pentatonic scale and how it shifts when it moves to different strings. It included how things shift on the guitar when the second string comes into play. There were examples of three songs that are based on the same melodic idea, all of which I expect you will recognize.
Once again, Happy Birthday Sir Paul, Matt and Rebecca,