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Totally Guitars Weekly Update April 28, 2023

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Totally Guitars Weekly Update April 28, 2023


April 28, 2023

Peter Frampton was the subject of the week around here. Thanks to a request on the Forum last week, I realized we had managed to neglect his songs for our first 14 years. That was remedied with a lesson on Baby I Love Your Way, with a couple more on side burners for the near future.

We also added another first time, long neglected artist with Nesh’s lesson on Runaway by Del Shannon. I hope everybody takes the time to check those out.

As mentioned recently, I have been pouring through archives of our sister sites, Totally Electric Guitars, Totally Keyboards and Totally Vocals. Each week I plan to make more of those lessons available here at Totally Guitars. The most recent of those was Max Rich’s Blues Basics. This set is almost 2 hours of an introduction to 12-bar blues, pentatonic scales, blue notes, and even includes some backing tracks for you to play along with Clapton, B.B. King and Chuck Berry.

I forgot to mention that we had a run in with publishers of Eagles songs this week, and as a result decided to make the lesson on Hotel California free to all for the time being. This gives everybody who has not seen any of our highly detailed lessons a chance to see one.

Music this week started with some improvising around Frampton tunes, and ended with a little D Minor noodling. This was inspired by the recent Forum post on Portuguese guitar player Diogo Clemente. There was some great playing there and beautiful singing.

That is all for April,



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