Led Zeppelin Volume 2

Led Zeppelin Volume 2

What's included

  • All tab
  • Chords
  • Chart
  • Guitar pro files


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Led Zeppelin has been one of the greatest bands over the last half century. Their huge variety of styles has captivated guitar players all around the world. We have put together Volume II of their songs featuring a few acoustic oriented ones: Going To California, Ramble On and Bron-Yr-Aur, and acoustic takes on a couple electric classics: Fool In The Rain and Kashmir. Most of these are taught by Max Rich and Neil brings us Bron-Yr-Aur, which includes a section that Jimmy Page only played live and did not appear on Physical Graffiti.


  • Lesson 1: Fool In The Rain - Led Zeppelin

    This feel good rock song is reminiscent of 60’s era rock. Very folky and yet intricate, Fool In The Rain is a Led Zeppelin song that crosses various genres.

    Ranging from a chordal introduction to a multi-layered verse and even a samba style bridge, this tune covers a lot of ground.

  • Lesson 2: Going To California - Guitar Lesson

    Going To California is an acoustic classic from Jimmy Page and Robert Plant, with an assist by John Paul Jones that appeared on Led Zeppelin’s fourth album. The original recording featured many overdubs and this lesson combines the important parts into a solo guitar accompaniment. It is done in Double Dropped D Tuning and includes some thoughts on improvising around the chord progression and making it your own.

  • Lesson 3: Kashmir - Led Zeppelin - Guitar Lesson

    This powerful and hard driving rock song is one Led Zeppelin’s most well known hits.

    Utilizing an open tuning, Jimmy Page was able to capture an amazing and powerful sound that is unique to his style of playing.

    With this lesson you’ll come away with a new knowledge of tuning possibilities that will really open your ears and playing to new levels.

    From the classic intro riff all the way to wide-open strumming outro, this lesson will improve all aspects of your playing.

  • Lesson 4: Ramble On - Led Zeppelin - Guitar Lesson

  • Lesson 5: Bron-Yr-Aur by Led Zeppelin - Guitar Lesson

    In 1970 Led Zeppelin III was released, which included quite a few acoustic songs. Bron-Yr-Aur didn’t make the cut at the time and was held back for 5 years until they needed some ‘filler’ for Physical Graffiti. This Jimmy Page masterpiece has fascinated guitarists since then.

    It is played in an unusual C6 Tuning (C-A-C-G-C-E) and uses mostly arpeggio patterns, much like Babe I’m Gonna Leave You. The lesson covers all the parts, including one only found in an early live recording, and includes some advanced left hand fingering techniques in order to get the best sustain on all the notes. It is not really too difficult except for getting it up to speed. I really encourage students to work on it slowly and pay a lot of attention to the tone of every note.

  • Lesson 6: Big Log