Grateful Dead 6-Pack
What's included
- All tab
- Chords
- Chart
- Guitar pro files
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This pack includes some of the Dead's most melodic songs, presenting mostly rhythm guitar parts but also including a couple of chord solos, where the melody is incorporated into the strumming. The set includes a few songs from their acoustic heyday, the early 70s, and one from their later days when they wrote about aging a bit. All of the songs are played with a pick and include charts with the chords and lyrics. Some lessons include tab for some specific parts.
Lesson 1: Friend Of The Devil
Jerry Garcia and John Dawson, of New Riders Of The Purple Sage, wrote the music to Friend Of The Devil, and lyrics were added by Robert Hunter. It was released on the Grateful Dead album American Beauty in 1970. Friend Of The Devil is in a simple 4 time but better counted in 2, making it in cut time (2/2). This is mostly due to the quick tempo of the song. The feel is mainly a folk style, although there are definite leanings toward bluegrass, partly due to the addition of the mandolin. It is played in the key of G, and features the descending major scale as the main theme.
Lesson 2: Ripple
Ripple has been a favorite Grateful Dead song among Neil's students for quite some time. The basic accompaniment is pretty straightforward, almost a Campfire song. This lesson covers strumming through the progression and includes tab to a Chord Solo arrangement, similar to Neil's Play Through segment.
Lesson 3: Touch Of Grey
*Touch Of Grey*was a song that the Grateful Dead starting playing live in 1982 but became a hit 5 years later when it was released on In The Dark. It is notable as really the only ‘hit’ the Dead ever had, breaking into the Billboard Top 10, and also for a memorable video showing the band as skeletons playing live. The song features some basic strumming over quite a few barre chords, mostly from the keys of E and B major. This lesson includes the opening riff played on the bass, as well as a very distinctive fill played in the chorus.
Lesson 4: Truckin'
Truckin’ is a blues-based song that works around a shuffle rhythm in the key of E. This lesson looks at a couple of ways of playing the main rhythm guitar riffs as well as a detailed discussion of 12/8 time. It is presented without tablature but includes a chord chart and close-up descriptions of many of the parts.
Lesson 5: Uncle John's Band
Uncle John’s Band is a tune that is mostly basic strumming but includes a few time signature changes and syncopated chord changes that add an interesting effect. The lesson mainly concentrates on the rhythm guitar part but tab to a Chord Solo, similar to Neil’s improvised Play Through in Part 1 is included for the more advanced students.
Lesson 6: Teddy Bears Picnic (Jerry Garcia & David Grisman)
A song Neil started playing many years before he had kids but became a big hit with them as they started school is Teddy Bears Picnic. It was written in the 1930s and recorded by many people over the years, most notably nowadays by Jerry Garcia and David Grisman on their album Not For Kids Only. This Target Campfire lesson goes over a traditional arrangement as well as a few thoughts on Jerry and Dave’s version.