Beatles Magical Mystery Tour Bonus 10-Pack

Beatles Magical Mystery Tour Bonus 10-Pack

What's included

  • All tab
  • Chords
  • Chart
  • Guitar pro files


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  • Lesson 1: All You Need Is Love by The Beatles - Guitar Lesson

    In 1967 The Beatles contributed to a global broadcast ‘Our World’, which was seen by 400 million people in 25 countries. John Lennon’s simple song, ‘All You Need Is Love’ became an anthem for the Summer Of Love.

    The chords are pretty basic, with some inversions (different bass notes), but there are some rhythmic challenges with a few measures in 3/4 time. There are also some nice connecting runs between chord changes. 

  • Lesson 2: The Fool On The Hill Project - Beatles - Guitar Lesson

    In this lesson we work on transcribing a piano song into a guitar song, trying to duplicate the piano sound and chord voicings as much as possible. The ‘Project” part of this is that it will be presented as a series of progressive segments put out once a week or so to give everybody time to come up with their own solutions and discoveries. I hope this evolves into a Community Project where people post their thoughts and progress as we move along. In Part 1 the assignment or goal is laid out, starting with just the chord progression and direction on how the bass notes and 3-string chords can be found on the guitar.

    Part 2 reviews chord formulas and shows some voicings for a couple of the chords.

    Part 3 of our Fool On The Hill Project breaks out some of the possible solutions and directs you to look for different areas of the neck for the best sound.

    Part 4 talks a bit about texture changes and presents the way I think sounds closest to the original.

  • Lesson 3: I Will - The Beatles - Guitar Lesson

    Paul McCartney had the progression and melody kicking around to I Will for quite some time before he came up with what he considered acceptable lyrics. I have to say the end result is way more than acceptable. The original recording featured Paul playing two guitar parts behind his vocal.

    This lesson includes a Campfire Version, the way Paul plays it now in concert, as well as a Fingers & Fills segment where the second guitar part is incorporated into the accompaniment. That part is significantly more difficult that the solo version but should be fun for some intermediate players to tackle.

  • Lesson 4: Mother Nature’s Son - Beatles - Guitar Lesson

    Mother Nature’s Son is a short, acoustic piece played by Paul McCartney from The Beatles’ eponymous 1968 album, aka The White Album. It really showcases Paul’s smooth accompaniment technique of combining pinching strings as in fingerpicking, with finger strumming and hitting bass notes with the thumb. There are also a lot of interesting chord shapes, using hammer-ons, pull-offs and slides to embellish the changes.

  • Lesson 5: The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill - Beatles - Guitar Lesson

    Bungalow Bill is a pretty easy song to play, at least as far as the chords and strumming. It was written by John Lennon during The Beatles’ stay in India in 1968 and the recording is very informal and unpolished, but a lot of fun to listen to.

    This lesson is done with a different approach, no chart, no tab, just ears, eyes, and brain required.

  • Lesson 6: Strawberry Fields Forever - Guitar Lesson

    By late 1966 the Beatles were into heavy production and processing in the studio, being free to spend as much time as they wanted on any particular song. This period of creativity produced some of their most elaborate songs, most of which might not seem adaptable to playing solo and singing. However, most of them started off being simple guitar songs. Strawberry Fields Forever, started by John when he was shooting a movie in Spain, began this way and we are fortunate to have access to some very early recordings as John was in the habit of recording all his ideas as they developed. This lesson combines a few versions but is mostly taken from the one released as Take 1, on Anthology 2, with the addition of the introduction arranged for solo guitar.

  • Lesson 7: Penny Lane - Guitar Lesson

    Another song that on first glance doesn't seem very playable, Penny Lane can be done by transposing it into a guitar friendly key (D Major), and focusing more on the moving bass part rather than rapid chord changes.

  • Lesson 8: Back In The USSR - Acoustic Guitar Lesson

    This Cold War era Beatles song is one for the ages. It contains various blues based riffs and chord progressions that will feel right at home for many guitarists, but it also has some very unique lead guitar licks.

    In this lesson, you’ll get the full scoop on all the riffs, chords and licks needed to play this classic tune, but not only that, you’ll also get some great insight on how to include these ideas in your own songwriting and improvisations.

  • Lesson 9: Hey Bulldog by The Beatles

    This is one catchy tune! From the heavy opening riff through to the blistering guitar solo, there are parts that will make your head bob and your fingers dance around the fretboard.

    The guitar is fairly simple during the verse and chorus, but then when the solo kicks in, it goes into high gear. With a series of rapid 16th notes followed by some sliding double stops, it will cause you to exercise some techniques you might not know you have!

  • Lesson 10: Helter Skelter - The Beatles - Guitar Lesson

    This may be the very first heavy metal and/or punk rock song ever written. At a time when distortion was more of an accident than a desired tone, and when stomp boxes were barely in existence, the Beatles managed to craft an unbelievably aggressive sound in this epic hit.

    By learning how they used an overdriving amp to create the cacophony of sound, you’ll get a deeper appreciation for the most common effect we guitarists use today.

    In addition you’ll get the inside scoop on all the dissonant harmonies and tension building chords throughout the song.

    Finally, you’ll learn how to bend and make your guitar wail like George Harrison did during the short but effective lead licks in this song.