Superstar (Groupie)by Carpenters, The
Lesson Plan
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Superstar has an interesting history. Written in 1969 by Leon Russell and Bonnie Bramlett, and first recorded by Delaney, Bonnie & Friends under the title Groupie. It was the B side of a single that didn't do much, it was also recorded by Rita Coolidge as part of Joe Cocker's Mad Dogs And Englishmen tour in 1970. The next year Richard Carpenter heard Bette Midler perform it on the Johnny Carson show and it went on to be a big hit in 1971 for The Carpenters.
This lesson goes over the chord progression with accompaniment suggestions using arpeggio picking, as well as lightly percussive fingerstyle technique. There is a detailed breakdown of the intro as arranged by Richard, which is a bit challenging on the guitar. Of course, alternative approaches are shown.