Bridge Over Troubled Water - Intermediate Guitar Lessonby Simon and Garfunkel
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The title song of the fifth and last studio album by Simon & Garfunkel, Bridge Over Troubled Water featured an iconic piano accompaniment, and no guitar to really speak of. This lesson might be considered a ‘guitar reduction’ of studio musician Larry Knechtel’s piano parts. Much of it can be strummed or grabbed in a fingerstyle technique. There are passing bass lines, some harmonized in thirds, and quite an assortment of chords, although most are pretty standard. This would be a great way to accompany yourself, or another singer, with a guitar accompaniment that is playable by intermediate students.
There is a bonus segment with a more literal transcription of the piano introduction arranged for the guitar. This is a bit more challenging but worth working on to take the song, and your playing up a notch.