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Modes are useful ways of thinking about a scale in relation to either another scale or a chord that you’re playing over. This lesson on the seventh of the major modes will teach you how to incorporate it’s “outside” sound within a familiar harmony and also show you how you can reign it in and make it sound very fluid and part of the key. The seven modes of music are a quintessential part of learning to fully understand music theory and polytonality. At this stage in your playing, major and minor chords and scales should be a readily accessible part of your arsenal. This comprehensive list of modes and scales is designed to round out your understanding of theory and diatonic playing. By detailing through chord scales, and the relations of these scales to the parent key of C major and A minor, you’ll get full access to a new world of theory and be able to readily transpose it to any key. Soon enough you’ll have all the tools to play comfortably in any mode over the corresponding chords. The Modes- Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, and Locrian: There are seven major scale modes in western music. Hopefully you already know two of them, major (Ionian-the 1st mode) and minor (Aeolian-the 6th mode). The other five are just as easily comparable to the parent key, in this case, C major. By comparing each mode to this key, we can see how you can play the same group of notes, but yet begin them in a different place each time, creating a new and harmonically more rich sound. This lesson shows you how to tweak ceratin scales you know to meet your musical needs as well as give you licks, and riffs that you can move across the fretboard to match whatever style or chord progression you’re playing. • Explanation of the root of all major modes and they’re interaction with the parent scale from which they come. • The chords of each parent scale mapped out to correspond directly with it’s mode • Scale forms and licks designed to show the versatility and musical uses of these new modal ideas. • Technically and theoretically challenging musical concepts that translate themselves easily across the neck.