In My Life CGDGAD Tuning - Beatles - Doug Youngby Doug Young
Genre:Fingerstyle Guitar Arrangements
Instrument:acoustic guitar
Lesson Plan
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In this lesson, we’ll learn my instrumental arrangement of In My Life, one of John Lennon’s great songs. The arrangement uses an alternate tuning sometimes known as “C-GAD”, CGDGAD, which is related to DADGAD tuning.
The arrangement follows the same structure as the Beatles’ recording, and we’ll work thru the details of each section, with a few side-discussions about the tuning and the arranging process. The arrangement is played in the key of G, but we use a capo on the 2nd fret, to have it sound in A, the same key as the Beatles’ recording.
The arrangement follows the same structure as the Beatles’ recording, and we’ll work thru the details of each section, with a few side-discussions about the tuning and the arranging process. The arrangement is played in the key of G, but we use a capo on the 2nd fret, to have it sound in A, the same key as the Beatles’ recording.