If I Needed Someone - The Beatles – Guitar Lessonby Beatles
Instrument:acoustic guitar
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If I Needed Someone is an early George Harrison song, released in 1965 on The Beatles album Rubber Soul. It shows some of his developing interest in Indian music, using a droning bass note underneath a mixolydian melody. It is played with a capo at the seventh fret, moving the ‘D’ shape chord into the key of A.
The song comes of of a little noodling around the ‘D’ shape, something that produced Here Comes The Sun a few years later. It also featured George’s Rickenbacker 12-string and borrowed a bit from The Byrd’s version of The Bells Of Rhymney.
The lesson includes a couple different approaches to picking technique, including alternating, hybrid, and finger picking, as well as a look at John Lennon’s second guitar part, played without a capo.
The song comes of of a little noodling around the ‘D’ shape, something that produced Here Comes The Sun a few years later. It also featured George’s Rickenbacker 12-string and borrowed a bit from The Byrd’s version of The Bells Of Rhymney.
The lesson includes a couple different approaches to picking technique, including alternating, hybrid, and finger picking, as well as a look at John Lennon’s second guitar part, played without a capo.