Joyride - Roxette - Guitar Lessonby Roxette
Instrument:acoustic guitar
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Joyride is a major hit song by the Swedish pop duo Roxette. It was released as the lead single from their third studio album, ‘Joyride’ (1991) and became one of Roxette’s biggest hits, topping the charts around the world.
This arrangement is entirely based on their acoustic version as broadcast on MTV Unplugged.
We take a look at the chords, the feel of the double time strumming, the progression and in particular, how to approach it dynamically, when it’s just you playing it by yourself.
This arrangement is entirely based on their acoustic version as broadcast on MTV Unplugged.
We take a look at the chords, the feel of the double time strumming, the progression and in particular, how to approach it dynamically, when it’s just you playing it by yourself.