Lesson Plan


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Lesson notes

Out Of My Mind is a song written and performed by Neil Young. It was originally recorded by Buffalo Springfield (1966), when he was a member of the band, and appeared on their debut album ‘Buffalo Springfield.’

This is one of many little pearls in Young’s amazing repertoire and he has performed the song throughout most of his career on either piano or guitar. This lesson is based on his 1968 Canterbury House concert, in which he performs it stripped down, all by himself.

We take a look at the chords in the key of A, which includes two barre chords, making it somewhat more difficult than it might appear. The strumming is done in double time and like the progression, is relatively easy.

The lesson includes an additional segment that teaches the arrangement in the key of G, for the those students who find the barre chords a too challenging for now. This key should be doable for all guitar players and works really well for males who’d like to sing the song a bit lower.