Out On The Weekend - Neil Young - Guitar Lessonby Neil Young
Instrument:acoustic guitar
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Out On The Weekend is the opening track from Neil Young’s 1972 album Harvest. It starts with one of his signature sounds, muted bass notes followed by focused picking on the higher strings, much like the acoustic Cowgirl In The Sand.
In order to play it exactly like Neil, it would be necessary to wrap your left thumb over onto the sixth and fifth strings. The lesson covers alternate ways to do this as most players will find this very difficult, if not impossible.
There are some interesting chords up the neck in the chorus but other than that the song is pretty straightforward.
In order to play it exactly like Neil, it would be necessary to wrap your left thumb over onto the sixth and fifth strings. The lesson covers alternate ways to do this as most players will find this very difficult, if not impossible.
There are some interesting chords up the neck in the chorus but other than that the song is pretty straightforward.