Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond - Guitar Lessonby Neil Diamond
Instrument:acoustic guitar
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Sweet Caroline is one of the greatest sing-a-long songs of all time. It was released as a single in 1969 then subsequently added to Neil Diamond’s album of the day, Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show, as an afterthought.
This lesson goes over the chord progression and shows a relatively easy way to play it in the key of A, as well as a more embellished version bringing in many of the other instruments’ parts. It also covers different voicings of common chords and barres from families other than E and A.
This lesson goes over the chord progression and shows a relatively easy way to play it in the key of A, as well as a more embellished version bringing in many of the other instruments’ parts. It also covers different voicings of common chords and barres from families other than E and A.