Manic Monday by The Bangles - Guitar Lessonby Bangles, The
Instrument:acoustic guitar
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Manic Monday is a song by the American pop rock band The Bangles. It was written by the artist Prince who gave it to them, and the first single to be released from their second studio album ‘Different Light’ (1986).
The song features for the most part an easy progression with only four chords in the key of D. There are a few more in the bridge, including a barre chord, making it a little more challenging for beginners.
For the strumming we both discuss the speed of 8th’s, as well as 16th’s. The latter is how Susanna Hoffs sometimes tends to play it.
All in all, a great and fun song for guitar players at any level.
The song features for the most part an easy progression with only four chords in the key of D. There are a few more in the bridge, including a barre chord, making it a little more challenging for beginners.
For the strumming we both discuss the speed of 8th’s, as well as 16th’s. The latter is how Susanna Hoffs sometimes tends to play it.
All in all, a great and fun song for guitar players at any level.