Beware Of Darknessby George Harrison
Instrument:acoustic guitar
Lesson Plan
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All Things Must Pass was the album that really brought George Harrison’s songs to the attention of the public. Released in 1970, just after the Beatles broke up, it was full of great songs, including *Beware Of Darkness*. The song was also recorded by Leon Russell at about the same time, and in 1996 was covered by the modern progressive rock band Spock’s Beard. All Things Must Pass was produced with a very heavy hand by Phil Spector, but we are fortunate that George made some demos that were stripped down to just solo performances. Consequently, this song makes a great acoustic guitar lesson. It is played in the key of E, using quite a few barre chords, along with a couple of chords outside of the key, and the lesson includes a segment on transposing it to the key of B as well.